Many Bad Churches... Our Goal is Be One of the Good Ones

We aim to live the love and ethics of Christ in our thinking, friendships, marriage, family, employment, finances, clothing, entertainment, diet, culture, politics, and personal time. Jesus is LORD over it all.

We Aim To Be

More Like Jesus

in Every Area of our Lives By Focusing On...

Apostles Teaching




Have you noticed that:

  • It's hard to find a good church?

    Perhaps you joined the church but eventually left after realizing they are not dedicated to being biblical.

  • Most churches are pastoral focused and praise-team focused?

    For the most part the pastor and praise team are the only performers/participants. Body expression doesn't exist.

  • Many churches have a low biblical literacy rate?

    They take bible verses out of context and are quick to accept unbiblical teachings.

  • Most church gatherings are a spectator event?

    There is no opportunity for the audience to express what God has placed upon their heart for church edification.

  • There is little to no accountability for pastors?

    Pastors make mistakes and errors but there is no checks in balances to stop or prevent clergy abuse and poor leadership.

  • There is a lack of real community?

    Many do not experience valuable connections that are important to friendship, discipleship and overcoming life's challenges.

We've noticed it also... But Holy Spirit has showed us that we can do more than just complain. He called us to be better.

We Can Be a Church That...

  • Is intentional about weekly fellowship with other sincere believers where all participate, even on a small scale?

  • Is dedicated to deeper bible study, proper hermeneutics and transformative proclamation of God's word.

  • Seeks to walk in the fruits and gifts of the Holy Spirit and is sensitive and receptive to how God uses each member of the body.

  • That fosters meaningful community where we not only worship together but share our resources in practical and responsible ways so we all prosper economically.

  • Submits to discipleship and is actively engaged  in evangelism and discipling others.

  • Intentionally connects with other local churches to fulfill God's plan for His universal church. All of us belong to all of us.

Join the Community

The church is a community of believers. Our goal is to connect with believers both locally, nationally and internationally. 

Fill out the form to join our email list so we can notify you of in-person meetings near your area and provide you with valuable resources.

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